Hash trail symbols

This is a blob and it marks the Hash trail. Blobs can be on the ground like this, or thrown against a telegraph pole or tree. Some sneaky Hares hide them behind a tree or pole ( so keep looking…)

This is a Hash Check. The trail of blobs ends here and starts again in any direction in about 10 meters, so go and find the resumed trail. One blob alone isn’t enough to say it’s a real trail ( it could be a false trail ) so find the second one, then shout ” On On ” as loud as you can!

This is an X and means you have found the end of a False Trail ( a ” Falsie” ). Turn round and go back the way you came! There is no trail beyond an X.

This is a Hash Arrow. An Arrow never lies or leads you astray. Follow it and all will be well.

An HV is a Hash View. Here there is a view of something the Hares think you should look at (it’s up to you…see if you agree ! )

This little beauty is a Which Way. A Which Way has two equally valid routes, except that one of them isn’t truly valid….go and explore !! The invalid trail simply dries up, or there is eventually an X to disappoint you.

BN stands for Beer Near. This is a happy sign. Beer is close by !

FA. This is a Father Abraham check, which is a compulsory stop for every one. Here some harmless yet intriguing folk ceremonies are performed.

This is a very happy sign! On In means, the end of this Hash run is very close (close enough so you can smell the beer).

YBF…..this sign isn’t so good news. The Hares have F£$%ed you up ! Best to turn back…

CB is Count Back. This is a tricky one, and you will have to  think a bit. At the CB turn around 180 degrees and count back the number of blobs carefully. In this case the count back is 4 which means count back four blobs. At the fourth blob you will find some clues where to go next ( possibly ).